Determinants Influencing Uptake of Financial Credit by Kenyan Youth: A Case Study of Bomet County

Cheruiyot Willy Kiprotich, Dr. Kepha Ombui

Abstract: The study seek to analyzing factors influencing uptake of financial credit by Kenya youths of Bomet County. Specific objectives are; to establish the influence of credit terms on the uptake of financial credit by youth of Bomet County, to determine the extent to which awareness of credit facilities influences uptake of financial credit by Bomet youth and to find out the influence of entrepreneurial skills in financial credit uptake by youths of Bomet County. The study targeted a total of 350 youth entrepreneurs who are currently licensed or registered to operate different business ventures in Bomet County to all the youth in Bomet County aged between 18 and 35 years numbering to 350. Using stratified sampling technique, the sample size that was used is 254 and was drawn from all the five sub counties in Bomet County namely Bomet Central, Bomet East, Chepalungu, Konoin and Sotik. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires based on the research questions administered by the researcher. The study adopted descriptive research design. Data was analyzed by use of quantitative methods. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data including frequencies and percentages and results were displayed in tables. Inferential statistics, correlation and regression analysis was also be used.The regression results of the study revealed that, holding other variables constant, the credit terms, the business and entrepreneurial skills and the awareness of the youths account for 82.3% of the variability in the amount of credits taken by the youths. Also, the regression model developed illustrates clearly that, the credit terms attached to the loans has an inverse relationship with the youth’s credit uptake. The findings of this study will also create awareness to policy makers on the factors that need to be looked into to ensure youth are more effective in contributing to Gross domestic product of the country. Researchers will find the study useful as it will give highlights for further research and also contribute to new knowledge. This study will facilitate individual researchers to identify gaps in the current research work and carry out research in those areas.

Keywords: Determinants, Financial Credit, Youth.

Title: Determinants Influencing Uptake of Financial Credit by Kenyan Youth: A Case Study of Bomet County

Author: Cheruiyot Willy Kiprotich, Dr. Kepha Ombui

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals


Vol. 5, Issue 2, October 2017 – March 2018

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Determinants Influencing Uptake of Financial Credit by Kenyan Youth: A Case Study of Bomet County by Cheruiyot Willy Kiprotich, Dr. Kepha Ombui