Determinants of Biofortified Beans Adoption in Nyagatare District, Eastern Province of Rwanda

A. Nsengiyumva, P. Mbabazi, M. Kavoi

Abstract: Agriculture sustains the livelihoods of about 80% of Rwandans. Large improvements in the productivity of staple crops have been taken into consideration in Rwanda. Biofortified bean varieties as improved bean varieties have been disseminated and marketed in Rwanda since 21012 by RAB in partnership with Harvest Plus through different channels and systems like seed back, agro-dealers, direct marketing, ... Those beans have high content of Iron and proteins thus they have high price on Rwandan market. As improved varieties, their growers can realize high yield more than 2 Mt Ha-1. However in general perspective the average bean yields in the country have been disappointing, the survey results of 2013 of NISR indicate 731 Kg ha-1 for bush bean but as pertains to biofertified beans so far no study done to indicate wheather these adopted biofortified bean varities have increased yield per ha. But the major challenge behind this has been the adoption of the biofertified beans by small holder farmers.This is why the study is initiated with the objective to investigate factors influencing farmers to the adoption of biofortified beans. The method used is stratified survey with 197 respondents selected by multi stage random sampling and cluster sampling. Thereafter qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection have been used to gather the data. Data have been analyzed using Probit model and descriptive analysis have been used to analyze data from the field. The results showed that, farmers’ group membership and bean farm size cultivated influenced adoption of biofortified beans. Farmers’ membership has negative influence on biofortified beans adoption while total bean areas cultivated showed positive influence on biofortified bean adoption with P<0.001 at 5% significant level. The research recommends policy makers to put more emphasis in land consolidation policy as the major driver to increase the adoption of biofortified beans.

Keywords: Biofortified bean varieties, Adoption, Probit model.

Title: Determinants of Biofortified Beans Adoption in Nyagatare District, Eastern Province of Rwanda

Author: A. Nsengiyumva, P. Mbabazi, M. Kavoi

International Journal of Life Sciences Research    

ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 3, July 2017 – September 2017

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Determinants of Biofortified Beans Adoption in Nyagatare District, Eastern Province of Rwanda by A. Nsengiyumva, P. Mbabazi, M. Kavoi