Does Supervisor Dominant Workstyle Relate to Subordinate Total Readiness and Turnover Intentions?

Dr. David Augustine Bull

Abstract: The relationship between hospital supervisor dominant workstyle, subordinate total readiness, and turnover intentions were investigated among (N = 48) supervisors and (N = 196) subordinates, male and female between the ages of 18 to 56, from six randomly selected hospitals within Texas. The instrumentation for the study was the Blanchard,

Hersey, and Hambleton (1977) Readiness Scale, Wilson Learning Workstyle Inventory Quiz, the Jackofsky and Slocum’s 1987 Turnover Intent Scale, and a demographic questionnaire designed by the researcher. The Robert Bolton and

Dorothy Grover Bolton “People’s Work Style Model” guided the study. Statistical analysis using SPSS 28 software included Spearman Rank – Order Correlation, Mann-Whitney U, and Descriptive Statistics.  Spearman Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient (rs) test was conducted to determine what relationship existed, if any, between variables -  Subordinate Rated Job Readiness (SRJR), Subordinate Rated Psychological Readiness (SRPR), Subordinate Rated Total Readiness (SRTR), Subordinate Turnover Intent (STTI), and Supervisor Dominant Workstyle (SUDWS). The results showed significant negative correlation between Supervisor dominant workstyle and job readiness, psychological readiness, and total readiness: [SUDWS – SRJR (rs (244) = –.689, p < .001), [SUDWS – SRPR (rs (244) = – .691, p < .001)], and [SUDWS – SRTR (rs (244) = –.688, p < .001)] respectively. A significant negative correlation was found between subordinate turnover intentions and job readiness [STTI – SRJR (rs (244) = –.206, p < .001)]. There was also a negative correlation between subordinate turnover intentions and total readiness but not to the point of significance [STTI – SRTR (rs (244) = –.068, p > .001)]. Furthermore, there was a significant positive correlation between supervisor dominant workstyle and subordinate turnover intentions [SUDWS – STTI (rs (244) = .138, p < .001)]. Overall, the study shows subordinates disapproved of their supervisor's use of one dominant style and would quit their jobs for another at the slightest opportunity.  

Keywords: People’s Workstyle Model, Supervisor Workstyle, Dominant Workstyle, Subordinate Turnover Intent.

Title: Does Supervisor Dominant Workstyle Relate to Subordinate Total Readiness and Turnover Intentions?

Author: Dr. David Augustine Bull

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Vol. 10, Issue 2, October 2022 - March 2023

Page No: 42-54

Research Publish Journals


Published Date: 05-October-2022


Vol. 10, Issue 2, October 2022 - March 2023

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Does Supervisor Dominant Workstyle Relate to Subordinate Total Readiness and Turnover Intentions? by Dr. David Augustine Bull