Abstract: Donkeys in Botswana are mainly used for draught power and very few people eat their meat and drink their milk. The aim of this paper was to review population, uses, health and management of donkeys in Botswana. Furthermore, alternative uses that should be explored to promote and make donkeys of more socio-economic importance to the resource poor farmers in the country are discussed. Donkey population has been increasing although there were some fluctuations in other years. It stood at 493 000 in 2003 and it was 310 000 in 2013. The donkeys are mainly used for draught power, namely: ploughing, cart pulling to transport fire wood, crop harvests and water in cattle posts. They are not a source of direct income. Donkeys do not easily succumb to diseases and parasites, therefore, most farmers are ignorant of diseases affecting donkeys in Botswana. The management of donkeys in Botswana is mainly characterised by limited supplementary feeding, poor housing and lack of veterinary care. The donkey industry could be promoted to contribute to food security and national economy through dairy farming, meat and hides exports to other countries. Such promotion could increase the value of donkeys in Botswana.
Keywords: Key word: Botswana, donkey, draft power, management, meat, milk, uses.
Title: Donkeys: A Neglected and Underutilised Genetic Resource in Botswana
Author: Ketshephaone Thutwa, Shalaulani J. Nsoso
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations
ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online)
Research Publish Journals