E-Commerce-SWOT Analysis

Ms. Dhanashri Patil

Abstract: This research paper describes the invention and accessibility of internet connectivity and powerful online tools has resulted a new commerce area that is e-commerce deals with selling and purchasing of goods and services through internet and computer networks. E-commerce can enhance economic growth, increase business opportunities, competitiveness, better and profitable access to markets. E-Commerce is emerging as a new way of helping business enterprises to compete in the market and thus contributing to economic success. In this research paper we will discuss about advanced SWOT Analysis of E-Commerce which will comprise of strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats faced by e-commerce in current scenario.

Keywords: E-commerce, competitive advantage, Internet.

Title: E-Commerce-SWOT Analysis

Aithor: Ms. Dhanashri Patil

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 1, April 2014 - September 2014

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E-Commerce-SWOT Analysis by Ms. Dhanashri Patil