Abstract: Betulinic acid, a triterpenoid isolated from the bark of Ziziphus Jujuba exhibited insect growth regulating activity of the IV and V instar larvae and Zero hour pupae of Papilio demoleus. The larvae were treated tropical application with 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 μg/μl doses concentrations of Betulinic acid, in solvent acetone and observe the effect on ovarian development and ovarian maturation. Ovarioles showed a considerable reduction in length and exhibited morphological and histological abnormalities. Comparative anatomical and histological studies of the treated and untreated ovarioles revealed that there was inhibition in the development of ovarioles. The untreated Papilio demoleus showed normal ovarioles with large amount of yolk in the oocytes localized in the vitellarium portion. However Betulinic acid affected ovarioles showed disrupted structures of the germarium and vitellarium with either complete or partial damage of few or all oocytes. Untreated ovarioles revealed accumulation of large amount of yolk in the oocytes whereas in case of Betulinic acid treated ovarioles, the yolk was markedly reduced and acquired several vacuoles indicating the resorption of the yolk or reduction in its synthesis. The results demonstrated that Betulinic acid causes rapid cessation of oviposition due to disruption of ovarian structure and inhibition of oocyte growth following topical treatment on of Papilio demoleus.
Keywords: Betulinic acid, Papilio demoleus, Ovarioles, Sterility, Biological control.
Title: Effect of Betulinic Acid on the Ovarian Development of Papilio Demoleus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) Larvae
Author: Srinivasa Rao Vattikonda, Madhavi. M, Sabita Raja. S
International Journal of Life Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)
Research Publish Journals