Effect of Customer Participation on Product Development Projects in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry: A Case of Unilever Kenya Limited

Musa Jorrim Huko, Dr. Muchelule Yusuf Wanjala

Abstract: Companies need to launch new products to meet ever-changing consumer needs and preferences. To achieve this best, organizations involve consumers in the process of developing new products. This is because of the advantages of understanding consumer perceptions as well as gathering necessary information.  However, it is not always the case, which consumers are involved in product development process. In Kenya, there is a scarcity of studies that have explored how organizations can include consumers when they seek to develop a new product.  In this regard, this study sought to establish the impact of customer participation on product development projects in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. The study used Unilever Kenya as a case study. The study was informed by the theory of change and theory of participation. A quantitative research approach was used where the researcher engaged employees involved in developing new products. Primary data was collected using questionnaires that were physically distributed. The study targeted 602 employees form 13 different product in Unilever Kenya Ltd. stratified Simple random was select a sample of 241 employees. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. Data from qualitative and quantitative questionnaires were coded and entered into a computer for analysis using descriptive and inferential statistical tools with the aid of IBM statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 to establish the relationship between the study variables. The study proved that knowledge integration makes it possible for the organization to be more relevant as it will reflect what the intended customers want. On the other hand, project complexity gives room for more opportunities that enhance product development. Besides, by involving customers in product development, the organization has knowledge on the customers’ needs and can make use of innovative solutions to meet their desires. The study recommended that customers need to be viewed as providers of significant knowledge that contributes to product development. Also, there is a need for a balance among political, social, technological, economic, legal and environmental factors. Besides, it is utmost necessary to have the input of customers in the developments of products and have awareness on customers’ expectations about new solutions.

Keywords: Product development, Project Management, Project Team, Fast-moving consumer goods.

Title: Effect of Customer Participation on Product Development Projects in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry: A Case of Unilever Kenya Limited

Author: Musa Jorrim Huko, Dr. Muchelule Yusuf Wanjala

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 1, April 2018 – September 2018

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Effect of Customer Participation on Product Development Projects in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry: A Case of Unilever Kenya Limited by Musa Jorrim Huko, Dr. Muchelule Yusuf Wanjala