EFFECT OF DONOR SUPPORT ON SUCCESS OF ENVIROMENTAL PROJECTS IN RWANDA A Case Study: Climate Change Adaptation Project in Rwanda (2010-2013)


Abstract: This study examined the effect of donor support on the success of Climate Change Adaptation project in Rwanda because most donors’ projects failed due to poor financial accountability, inadequate capacity to manage the projects and lack of knowledge base technology to manage the projects. The researcher achieved this by use of three specific objectives namely; to assess the effect of financial support and accountability on the success of Climate Change Adaptation Project in Rwanda; to analyse the effect of capacity building on the success of Climate Change Adaptation Project in Rwanda and to analyse the effect of knowledge base information on the success of Climate Change Adaptation Project in Rwanda. The research is beneficial to the researcher, donor, government and JKUAT. The research theoretical review, conceptual and empirical literature on the theory, conceptual framework and research gap. Descriptive method of study based on qualitative and quantitative approach was used in order to get better analysis of the study. The population size was 65 and sample of 65 respondents was taken by use of Universal sampling technique. Both primary and secondary sources with relevant tools like questionnaire and documentary analysis were used in order to come up with required data. Data was processed by use of SPSS and analyzed by use of percentages, mean and standard deviation. The relationship between the variables was established by use of Pearson correlations model and the significant level was measured by a regression analysis based on regression models and Anova table. In the findings it was established that donor support has effect on success of environmental projects in Rwanda. Donor support in form of financial support service shows that donors provided operational funds, donors provided material funds, donors provided training funds and donors provided equipment funds. Findings on capacity building shows that donors have provided experts to advice on the project operations, donors have provided trainings for the project staffs and beneficiaries, donors have provided sensitization and training for community on climate change adaptation and donors have provided information available on climate change adaptation to the beneficiaries. The findings on knowledge base technologies shows that donors have provided technology on meteorological early warning system, donors have provided technology to improve innovations in the projects activities, donors have provided database which contains all information on Climate Change Adaptations and donors have provided technology that has promoted communication among the stakeholders. Donor support has, improved on project performance inform of income and standard of living. Table 4.3, 4.7, 4.10 and gave the relationship between Donor support on success of Climate Change Adaptation project whereby the respondents  N is 65 and the significant level is 0.01, the results indicate that independent variable has   Positive strong correlation to dependent variable equal to .951** and the p-value is .000 which is less than 0.01. When p-value is less than significant level, therefore researchers conclude that variables are correlated. This means that there is a significant relationship between donor support on success of Climate Change Adaptation project. Researcher can, therefore conclude that Donor support affects project success inform of income and standard of living.

Keywords: donor support, Climate Change Adaptation project, financial accountability.

Title: EFFECT OF DONOR SUPPORT ON SUCCESS OF ENVIROMENTAL PROJECTS IN RWANDA A Case Study: Climate Change Adaptation Project in Rwanda (2010-2013)

Author: Edward TUSHABE

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 1, April 2018 – September 2018

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