Effect of Employee Motivation on Productivity of Ken Trade Network Agency Company, Kenya

Dr Uzel Jean Mutindi Mzera

Abstract: Productivity of an organization is a major concern of every manager and is of great interest by the shareholders of any given company and other stakeholders. This study focused on employees' motivation and its relevance to organizational productivity. This study is to investigate the effect that employee motivation has on the success of the organization. A case study of Ken Trade Network Agency Company was taken to ensure detailed investigation of the variables. Employee motivation, if not given the attention it requires shall lead to disastrous effects such as underutilization of Ken Trade resources, absenteeism and low productivity of the organization in general. The study was led by the objectives of finding out the effect of remuneration on employee motivation, to establish the effects of working conditions, to determine the effect of training and the effects of job security on employee motivation. The Maslow's Hierarchy of needs theory, Vroom's expectancy theory and Herzberg motivation theory were employed to understand the subject better. To facilitate the research to be as efficient as possible to yield maximum information, studying of five variables namely, working conditions, remuneration, job security, training and organizational productivity was the conceptual framework of the study. A descriptive design was adopted and statistical descriptions were used to summarize and analyze the data that was collected. The means of statistical tools including measures of central tendencies such as the mean, and measures of dispersion such as standard deviation, and measures of the relationship among the variables, such as regression analysis was used. A significant sample size of 45 employees was chosen by use of slovins formula. The sample elements were chosen by using purposive judgmental technique for the upper level of management and systematic random sampling was used for other employees and detailed analysis was done with the help of SPSS. Data was collected by use of questionnaire and after, analysis was presented in form of tables. The study established that remuneration such as money leads to improved organizational productivity. The study established that promotion expectation motivates employees to work hard and that there is a significant relationship between employee motivation and remuneration. Further the study established that job performance level rises when training sessions are organized in an organization. The study findings established that giving employee’s freedom to act lead to increased motivation. From the research findings, the study concludes that employees are provided with adequate working tools. The study concludes that good working environment motivates employees to give their best and that good working environment creates team work and good customer service. The study recommends that the management should review employee remuneration so as to influence organizational productivity. The study recommends that management should provide employees with continuous trainings so as to improve organizational productivity. The study recommends that the management should accord employees enough space to innovate and think freely so as to improve employee and organizational performance.

Keywords: Remuneration, working conditions, Training, Job security, Organizational productivity.

Title: Effect of Employee Motivation on Productivity of Ken Trade Network Agency Company, Kenya

Author: Dr Uzel Jean Mutindi Mzera

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Vol. 11, Issue 2, October 2023 - March 2024

Page No: 267-276

Research Publish Journals

Website: www.researchpublish.com

Published Date: 22-January-2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10552544

Vol. 11, Issue 2, October 2023 - March 2024

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Effect of Employee Motivation on Productivity of Ken Trade Network Agency Company, Kenya by Dr Uzel Jean Mutindi Mzera