Effectiveness of Sorghum Farming In Addressing Household Food Security in Nyakach Sub-County of Kisumu County, Kenya

Obonyo Symphorosa Akinyi, Dr. Vitalis Ogemah, Dr. Ruth Naliaka Simiyu

Abstract: Sorghum farming is one of the strategies that have been used for decades to alleviate poverty by addressing household food security globally. However, the full potential of the sorghum for household and industrial uses has not been harnessed in Kenya. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of sorghum farming in addressing household food security in Nyakach Sub-County of Kisumu County, Kenya.  The study targeted a population of 29,000 small-scale farmers in 5 wards that cultivate both sorghum and maize at the same time besides other crops. The sample size of 395 was computed using Yamane Taro’s (1967) simplified formula for sample sizes. Systematic sampling procedure was used to select head of households by dividing the total population of each stratum (ward) by the sample size of each stratum (ward). Kisumu County, Nyakach Sub-County, the wards and the key informants (local administration, National and county staff, village elders, extension officers, NGOs) were purposively selected. Structured questionnaires, observation checklists, focus group discussion and community vulnerability assessment schedules were used to obtain information from heads of farming households. Interview guides was used for both heads of households and informants’ while SWOT analysis guides was mainly used to interview key informants’.This study found out that sorghum farming effectiveness in addressing household food security depended on acreage under sorghum, yield, stock, income from sorghum, uses/benefits/versatility, source of employment and ability to adapt to the two extreme weather conditions of floods and drought.  This paper recommends increase acreage under sorghum, formation of sorghum farmers cooperative society for credit facilities, empowerment of farming households in sorghum farming. In addition, stakeholders should encourage sorghum and sorghum products consumption and value addition such as baking bread, bans and cookies that can create community markets for sorghum and sorghum by-products.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Sorghum, Acreage, Yield, Stock, Income, Benefits/UsesVersatility, Employment, Adaptability, Food security, Farming households.

Title: Effectiveness of Sorghum Farming In Addressing Household Food Security in Nyakach Sub-County of Kisumu County, Kenya

Author: Obonyo Symphorosa Akinyi, Dr. Vitalis Ogemah, Dr. Ruth Naliaka Simiyu

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 2, October 2018 – March 2019

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Effectiveness of Sorghum Farming In Addressing Household Food Security in Nyakach Sub-County of Kisumu County, Kenya by Obonyo Symphorosa Akinyi, Dr. Vitalis Ogemah, Dr. Ruth Naliaka Simiyu