Effects of Learning Quality, Social-Economic Status and Entrepreneurship Spirit on Financial Literacy of Students of Udayana University

Made Sukartha, Gede Agus Indra Tananaya K, I Ketut Yadnyana

Abstract: This research is intended to test quality of learning process, the social economic status of the students' parents as their leaning support, student ability in understanding entrepreneurship spirit and student ability in understanding financial literacy. Conducted in department of management, Non Regular Program Economic and Business (FEB) Udayana University. The data collection is using questionnaire media. Respondents are management students in V semester academic year of 2017 / 2018, Non Regular Program FEB Udayana University. Number of proxy population is 375 students. Sample is using simple random sampling technique based on Slovin formula to create 79 samples. Data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative technique. 

Result of this study are for the learning quality very effective criteria is 11,54 %, effective criteria is 12,82 %, quite effective criteria is 48,72 %, less effective criteria is 21,79 %, and ineffective criteria is 5,13 %. Parents' social economic status with very effective criteria is 10,26 %, effective criteria is 34,62 %, quite effective criteria is 32,05 %, less effective criteria is 16,67 %, and ineffective criteria is 6,41 %. Entrepreneurship spirit with very effective criteria is 17,95 %, effective criteria is 25,14 %, quite effective criteria is 29,49%, less effective criteria is 24,36 %, and ineffective criteria is 2,56 %. Financial literacy with very effective criteria is 41,04 %, effective criteria is 38,46 %, quite effective criteria is 19,23%, less effective criteria is 21,79 %, and ineffective criteria is 1,28 %.

Keywords: Learning Quality, Parents' Social Economic Status, Entrepreneurship Spirit and Financial Literacy.

Title: Effects of Learning Quality, Social-Economic Status and Entrepreneurship Spirit on Financial Literacy of Students of Udayana University

Author: Made Sukartha, Gede Agus Indra Tananaya K, I Ketut Yadnyana

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 1, April 2018 – September 2018

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Effects of Learning Quality, Social-Economic Status and Entrepreneurship Spirit on Financial Literacy of Students of Udayana University by Made Sukartha, Gede Agus Indra Tananaya K, I Ketut Yadnyana