Effects of Public Procurement Law on the Supply Chain Reliability at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited

Alex Musonye Odanga, Dr. Mike Amuhaya Iravo, Mr. Robert Wamalwa Wandera

Abstract: Public procurement law regulates the purchasing by public sector bodies and certain utility sector bodies of contracts for goods, works or services. The most important factor in the successful management of the supply chain is a reliable relationship among the partners in the chain in such a way that they can have mutual trust in each other’s capabilities and activities. Therefore, in the development of any integrated supply chain, increasing the confidence and trust among the partners and devising the reliability for them are the crucial factors to achieve sustainable success. The reliability attribute is one of the most important means of measuring and assessing the performance in supply chains. Supply chain robustness is the capability that supply chains function normally with the changes in its internal structure and external environment. In a supply chain system, its uncertainties result from supply, manufacturing, sales and other operational aspects, this is from the earthquake, flood, fire, production accidents, and international economic environment and so on. All these could influence the normal operation of the supply chain. Robustness plays an important role in its income increase and the sustainability of the supply chain under these uncertain factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Public Procurement Law on the Supply Chain Reliability at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited. The objectives of the study were; investigate the effect of efficiency on Supply Chain Reliability at Nzoia Sugar company ltd, to find out how collaboration influence on Supply Chain Reliability at Nzoia Sugar company ltd, to establish compliance practices on supply chain reliability at Nzoia Sugar Company ltd, to determine the skills level at Nzoia Sugar Company towards supply chain reliability, and to establish the e- procurement practices at Nzoia Sugar Company ltd. The study applied a descriptive statistical approach. Stratified sampling technique that was used to select the respondents in the procurement section at Nzoia Sugar Company. Both Primary data and secondary data will be used. Primary data was collected through structured and unstructured questionnaires. While secondary data was sought from literature review of industry, professional and other relevant publications. Individuals and key informants were appropriately identified to form another targeted respondents from which data was gathered through in-depth interview. Clarifications on the questionnaires required by the respondents were made by the researcher. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were explored to analyze data before presentation and interpretation. Keywords: Supply chin reliability, Public Procurement law, Public sector, compliance, Capability. Title: Effects of Public Procurement Law on the Supply Chain Reliability at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited Author: Alex Musonye Odanga, Dr. Mike Amuhaya Iravo, Mr. Robert Wamalwa Wandera International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 2, October 2016 – March 2017

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Effects of Public Procurement Law on the Supply Chain Reliability at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited by Alex Musonye Odanga, Dr. Mike Amuhaya Iravo, Mr. Robert Wamalwa Wandera