Effects of Staff Training on Efficient Stores Operations in Kenya Tea Development Authority

Michael Ian Kamanda, Mike Iravo

Abstract: An efficient store operation is concerned with ensuring that all activities involved in storekeeping and stock control are carried out effectively and economically. Despite KTDA managing factories being one of the major contributors to the Kenya economy, the sector continue to face many challenges arising from stores departments in the factories for instance there are constant inventories shortages experienced affecting the production process, inadequate trained staff in the store operations and inaccurate stock record management negatively affecting the overall revenue . Therefore the study sought to determine the factors affecting efficient stores operations in KTDA managed factories. The study populations were 112 employees working at KTDA factories in zones 4 and 5. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research in its data analysis. According to the analysis of findings, the respondent indicated that KTDA factories do not offer regular training to stores personnel on store management and this has affected store operations negatively. The study recommended that there was need for the factories to offer regular training programs to the employees in order to improve their skills and knowledge. Keywords: Staff Training, Stores Operations, Kenya Tea Development Authority. Title: Effects of Staff Training on Efficient Stores Operations in Kenya Tea Development Authority Author: Michael Ian Kamanda, Mike Iravo International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 2, October 2016 – March 2017

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Effects of Staff Training on Efficient Stores Operations in Kenya Tea Development Authority by Michael Ian Kamanda, Mike Iravo