Efficient Resource Allocation for Relay Nodes Using Overlay Routing

Shruti Tadolge, Anuradha M.S

Abstract: Overlay routing is a very attractive scheme that allows improving certain properties the routing such as delay or TCP throughput without the need to change the values of current underlay routing. Deploying overlay routing requires the placement and maintenance of the overlay infrastructure. This rises following the optimization problem. Find the minimal set of overlay nodes that the required properties of routing satisfied. In this paper, I study this optimization problem. Showing this is NP-hard and deriving non trivial approximation algorithm for it. I examine the practical aspects of the scheme by evaluating the gain one can get over several real scenarios. The first one is BGP routing and show that , using the up-to-date data reflecting on the current BGP routing policy in the internet, that a relative small number of less than 100 relay server is sufficient to enable the routing over the shortest path from a single source to all autonomous systems, reducing the average path length. Second one is very useful for the TCP performance improvement. And third one is voice-over-IP applications where the small number of overlay nodes can significantly reduce the maximal peer-to-peer delay.

Keywords: Resource allocation, overlay network

Title: Efficient Resource Allocation for Relay Nodes Using Overlay Routing

Author: Shruti Tadolge, Anuradha M.S

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research

ISSN 2348-6988 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, April 2015 - June 2015

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Efficient Resource Allocation for Relay Nodes Using Overlay Routing by Shruti Tadolge, Anuradha M.S