Efficient Search Technique for Special Database

Mr.K.Arul, K.Haripriya, V.SaiPraneeth, S.Vignesh Kumar

Abstract: Conventional special queries, like retrieval of nearest place, involve solely on the conditions based on objects’ geometric characteristics. Now a day, several fashionable applications require novel kinds of queries that seek out objects that satisfies each of a special predicate, and their associated texts.  An example is that, rather than taking into account all of the restaurants, a nearest place question would instead provoke the building that is the nearest among those, whose menu items contain “steak, spaghetti, brandy” all at identical time. Currently the most effective resolution to these types of queries is predicated on the IR2-tree, which encompasses quite some disadvantages. Driven by this, we have the tendency to develop a replacement access technique known as the special inverted index that inherits the traditional inverted index to deal with two-dimensional knowledge, and comes along with algorithms which will answer nearest place queries with keywords. Based on the referenced experiments, the projected techniques trounce the IR2-tree in question latency considerably, usually by an element of orders of magnitude.

Keywords:  Keyword Search, Nearest Neighbor Search, special Index.

Title: Efficient Search Technique for Special Database

Author: Mr.K.Arul, K.Haripriya, V.SaiPraneeth, S.Vignesh Kumar

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-120X (online), ISSN 2348-1196 (print)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2014 - September 2014

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Efficient Search Technique for Special Database by Mr.K.Arul, K.Haripriya, V.SaiPraneeth, S.Vignesh Kumar