Electric Meter with Reliability Credit and Cost Control

Preeti Parmar, Mahammadsharif Vahora, Dipali Shah, Ruchi Nayak, Supriya Singamsetty

Abstract: The present system of energy billing in India is error prone and also time and labour consuming. Errors get introduced at every stage of energy billing like errors with electro-mechanical meters, human errors while noting down the meter reading and error while processing the paid bills and the due bills. The remedy for this drawback is a prepaid energy billing. A GSM-based Energy Recharge Interface which contains a prepaid card equivalent to a mobile SIM card. The prepaid card communicates with the power utility using GSM communication network. Once the prepaid card is out of balance, the consumer load is disconnected from the utility supply by the latching Relay (contactor). The power utility can recharge the prepaid card remotely through SMS mode base on customer requests. GSM-Based Recharge System (GBRS) for single phase prepaid meter has been modelled and simulated in Matlab/Simulink environment. A prior billing is bound to do away with the problems of unpaid bills and human error in meter readings, thereby ensuring justified revenue for the utility. In electric meter with reliability credit and cost control we have provide only one time extra credit when consumer needed in emergency. The cost of the energy charge per unit as per government rules and regulations is controlled by the authorized person only. So that charges of energy per unit is managed.

Keywords:  GSM (Global System for Mobile), RTC (Real Time Clock), PIC Controller.

Title: Electric Meter with Reliability Credit and Cost Control

Author: Preeti Parmar, Mahammadsharif Vahora, Dipali Shah, Ruchi Nayak, Supriya Singamsetty

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research

ISSN 2348-6988 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, October 2014 - March 2015

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Electric Meter with Reliability Credit and Cost Control by Preeti Parmar, Mahammadsharif Vahora, Dipali Shah, Ruchi Nayak, Supriya Singamsetty