Enhancing Skill Speaking With Talking Stick Learning Model


Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim to know the application of Talking Stick learning model in improving speaking skill in fourth graders in SD Inpres Rappocini Makassar City. The type of this research is classroom action research and the implementation consists of 4 (four) steps, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This type of study was chosen because of the problems found in learning speaking skills. The subjects of the study were teachers and fourth grade students of SD Inpres Rappocini Makassar City, which consisted of 15 students consisting of 7 men and 8 women. The main objective of this research is to improve the students' speaking skill and how to teach the teacher on Indonesian language subject by using cooperative type learning model stick. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the application of Talking Stick learning model in applying the skills speak in fourth grade students of SD Inpres Rappocini Makassar. it can be seen categorized from the results of observation teacher teaching activities and student learning on the results of cycle I are in the good category and then increased in cycle II with very good category.

Keywords: Skills, Speaking, Talking Stick, Model.

Title: Enhancing Skill Speaking With Talking Stick Learning Model


International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 3, July 2017 – September 2017

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Enhancing Skill Speaking With Talking Stick Learning Model by NUR ABIDAH IDRUS