Abstract: Scholars have been interested in innovation commercialisation and internationalisation for the last two decades. This study provides an empirical case study based on innovation process theories. The findings indicate that both need-pull and technology-push play an important role in innovation internationlisation, and the interaction between them was critical to achieving success. The innovation needs to be technically and legally ready (technology-push) for diffusion when consumers call for a replacement of the traditional products (need-pull). Case study implys that innovative activities are mainly classified as incremental product innovation from a technological innovation perspective even though it might be radical product innovation from a consumer perspective. Since a new set of products are available to marketplaces, the innovation can also be classified as a process innovation. Product innovation also has characteristics of platform innovation when considering a series of product being upgraded. The paper argues there are a few important challenges and achievements in the innovation management as well.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, incremental innovation, radical innovation, commercialisation, internationlisation.
Title: Entrepreneurial Internationalization of Science-based Innovation: A Theory-based Case Study
Author: Dr. Carson Duan
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 3, July 2022 - September 2022
Page No: 149-154
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 24-September-2022