Abstract: There is an urgent need for environmental awareness in order to re-establish the broken link between modern man and nature. The belief that nature can be exploited indiscriminately can be shattered only when man realizes that the price he is paying for manipulating nature is in fact making man reach the end of his ‘carrying capacity’. The impact of climate change is having a drastic effect on life on earth leading to global warming, green house effect, natural and manmade disasters. Global environmental awareness is of recent origin. But in India, evidence of this awareness can be found even in the pre-Vedic Aryan period.
The aim and objective of this study is to showcase the rich ancient Indian tradition of taking care of the environment. Whether it was due to awe and wonder or love and respect for the nature, the ancient Indian societies founded on the Vedic philosophical traditions had established a way of living that was in tune with nature and its surroundings. These ancient Indian thoughts throw light upon the protection of flora and fauna, about the importance given to panchamahabhutas, fundamental principles of ecology, about the importance of performing yajnas and providing administrative rules on environmental issues.
In this paper, an effort is made to understand the environmental awareness that was prevalent in ancient India and to bring out its relevance to the present scenario. Nature can take care of itself provided man is aware of the repercussions of his actions on the environment.
Keywords: Ancient, Awareness, Environment, Panchamahabhuta, Vedic period
Author: Ms. Rajani Rao U
International Journal of Life Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-3148 (online), ISSN 2348-313X (Print)
Research Publish Journals