Environmental Impact of Rice Mills on Groundwater and Surface Water

Jessy Paul, Abhijith D, Arjun Raj VR, Jilu Joy, Shamila Latheef

Abstract: Parboiled rice is one of the most popular rice produts. The process of parboiling involves soaking, steaming and drying and this production requires large amount of water for soaking the paddy.  The soak water contains large  quantity  of organic material and when discharge large quantities of soak water repeatedly over a localised area where it stagnates and putrifies causing pollution of water and groundwater. This study will mainly focus on the effect of rice mills on groundwater at Okkal and Periyar river near Okkal.  The groundwater present in the study area are polluted due to release of waste water from rice mills. To find out the extent of pollution, various water quality parameters such as Alkalinty, Iron, Hardness, Chloride, Acidity, BOD, COD, Dissolved Oxygen and Sulphate were studied. It has been found that the parameters such as Iron, Dissolved Oxygen, BOD and COD are not in the acceptable limit in accordance with the IS 10500 drinking Water Quality Standards.

Keywords: Ground water, Okkal,Rice mills,Surface water.

Title: Environmental Impact of Rice Mills on Groundwater and Surface Water

Author: Jessy Paul, Abhijith D, Arjun Raj VR, Jilu Joy, Shamila Latheef

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research

ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, April 2015 - September 2015

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Environmental Impact of Rice Mills on Groundwater and Surface Water by Jessy Paul, Abhijith D, Arjun Raj VR, Jilu Joy, Shamila Latheef