Evaluation of Machine Downtime and Failure Analysis of Components in Paint Manufacturing Unit: Review Paper

Arjun Kotwal, Dr.S.S Dhami, Dr.Sarbjeet Singh

Abstract: Modern Industries uses high level of automation with complex machines. The function of automation is to achieve higher production rate with better quality. Therefore machines must remain in operating condition in order to achieve the desired result or goal. This concept has changed the operating philosophy as well technology of the industry. A collective measures taken up by the industry in order to keep the equipment or machine in trouble free environment or in good environment is called maintenance engineering. Operational availability of the machines are taken care by the maintenance department. The concept of maintenance was very old and no proper care was given to the machines. When machines stopped, these machines were discarded or repaired. But in today’s age, these high complex and invested machines need to be properly examined or maintained in order to increase or maximize their availability. [1] When unplanned breakdown or unexpected failure happen due to equipment failure, whole production line stops and production automatically stops. Therefore it would be expensive to bring the production system into running condition under emergency situation. Thus maintenance plays an important role in any industry. According to the study reported by Mobley [2] about 15% to 40% (average 28%) of the total production cost is due to maintenance activity in the factory.

Title: Evaluation of Machine Downtime and Failure Analysis of Components in Paint Manufacturing Unit: Review Paper

Author: Arjun Kotwal, Dr.S.S Dhami, Dr.Sarbjeet Singh

International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Technology

ISSN 2348-7593 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, April 2015 - September 2015

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Evaluation of Machine Downtime and Failure Analysis of Components in Paint Manufacturing Unit: Review Paper by Arjun Kotwal, Dr.S.S Dhami, Dr.Sarbjeet Singh