Abstract: Over the last few years a new area of engineering science has been established whose products are likely to create a large market in the near future. It has been called” biometrics”. The pioneers of this new domain intend to construct devices which would allow identification of a person on the basis of his/her ”biological” characteristics: voice, dynamics of movements, features of face and other parts of the body, retina or iris pattern. Nature has made human beings with different characteristics which may vary from one person to another. This property is made use of by Bio-metric technology to distinctly identify each person. The aim of this project is to build a multilevel security system using different bio-metric like voice, retina, fingerprint, chieloscopy, etc. Such kind of system is used only in highly secure places like defense, scientific laboratory. By integrating some of the bio metrics in our proposed system, the level of security will increase.
Keywords: Cheiloscopy, Sulcilabiorum, Edge Detection, Feature Extraction.
Title: Evolution of Biometric System –Analytical Study between Chieloscopy, Finger Print and retina Scanning Evaluation
Author: Ms. Pranoti Surya Gad, Mr. Pritesh H. Gohil
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews
ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Research Publish Journals