Abstract: Dentistry is a challenging program for students, that lack of persistence may pose an obstacle in completing the degree. This study explored the self-efficacy beliefs and self-regulation undertaken by regular and irregular preclinical students of the University of the East, College of Dentistry. Employing a cross-sectional cohort design, consenting regular and irregular students participated in the online conduct of data gathering using the Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation Formative Questionnaires developed by Research Collaboration. Results showed no significant differences in the self-efficacy beliefs, as well as in plan and reflect components of self-regulation; but with significant differences in monitor and control components, and overall self-regulation scores between regular and irregular students. In the following semester, the students were reclassified based on whether they remained regular or irregular, or have changed from regular to irregular students, or vice-versa. Their respective self-efficacy and self-regulation scores were re-analyzed according to the reclassification. Results showed that there were no significant differences in the self-efficacy scores. However, significant differences were observed between regular-to-regular and regular-to-irregular, and between regular-to-regular and irregular-to-irregular in the control component of self-regulation. Self-efficacy beliefs of regular and irregular students, together with their subtypes were comparable. However, this was contrary to the monitor and control components of self-regulation. This study suggested that students’ self-regulation should be addressed. An intervention plan “Student Adoption by Faculty for Emancipation from Retention” (SAFER) was developed to enhance the self-regulation performance of UE-CDent students that may extend their persistence. It aims to circumvent students from becoming irregular and promote irregular to become regular students.
Keywords: self-efficacy, self-regulation, persistence, regular students, irregular students.
Author: Evelyn U. Co, Blesilda K. Formantes, Lourdes P. Terrado
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 4, October 2022 - December 2022
Page No: 57-64
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 15-November-2022