Factors Affecting the Beneficiary Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Project on Its’ Sustainability: A Case Study of Local Administrative Entities Development Agency

Gahima KARAMIRA John, Dr. Jaya Shukla, Prof. Ndabaga Eugene

Abstract: The general objective is to assess the impact of beneficiary participation in Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects funded by LODA and its effect on its sustainability. Specifically, the research aims to determine the relationship between monitoring and evaluation of development projects financed by LODA in Rwanda and prudent management of resources, establish the relationship between monitoring and evaluation of development projects financed by LODA in Rwanda and effective implementation of the project and to assess the role of conducting monitoring and evaluation of development projects financed by LODA in Rwanda and the attainment of project objectives. The study used a case study research design. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The study targeted 1249 members whereby a Solvin’s formular was used to calculate the sample size of 125 individuals to participate in data collection exercise. The researcher used cluster sampling method in order to select the beneficiaries. Due to the small number of administrators, the researcher used census whereby all the administrators were targeted. Probability sampling was used to collect data from the beneficiaries because the number is large. Descriptive statistics and correlations were used to analyze the data. The study found that beneficiary participation in M&E can take various forms. In some projects, it may be no more than providing information to review or evaluation teams, but this is too limiting. It was observed that beneficiary participation in M&E is low. Beneficiaries participate mainly in data collection and giving testimonies. Apart from that they are not involved in data analysis and documentation. This is a conventional way of M&E rather than participatory approach. The study also found that majority of the respondents stated that they lack financial and structural capacity to participate in M&E of the project. It was established that beneficiary participation in the project activities is essential for the sustainability of the project. In addition, their participation is generally restricted to simple matters, such as provision of labour and cost sharing, and not with the important issues faced during the process of decision making as it relates to project initiation and execution and monitoring and evaluation. Keywords: Project Sustainability, beneficiary participation, Monitoring and Evaluation. Title: Factors Affecting the Beneficiary Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Project on Its’ Sustainability: A Case Study of Local Administrative Entities Development Agency Author: Gahima KARAMIRA John, Dr. Jaya Shukla, Prof. Ndabaga Eugene International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 2, April 2016 – June 2016

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Factors Affecting the Beneficiary Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Project on Its’ Sustainability: A Case Study of Local Administrative Entities Development Agency by Gahima KARAMIRA John, Dr. Jaya Shukla, Prof. Ndabaga Eugene