Factors Influencing Successful Completion of Construction Projects In Public Primary Schools: A Case Study of Dagoretti South Sub-County

Nancy Musimbi Mberesia, Dr.Muchelule Yusuf

Abstract: Project completion has always been a challenge to many public primary schools in Kenya. Over the years’ primary school construction projects are managed by the Board of Management (BOM) and the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) whose function is to oversee the regular running of the school without interfering with the day to day running. In most cases, the school heads have a significant role in the management of the school projects. Ensuring that projects in the schools completed has been a significant concern to both the contractors and the education stakeholders. In the recent past, it has been noted that some of the school projects have stalled having incomplete classrooms, toilets, and so on. With the introduction of Community Development Fund (CDF) which was geared towards supporting infrastructure in schools, in line with the Kenya vision 2030 goals, some of the projects are partially completed, and others poorly did. With this outcome of events, it will be a challenge to achieve these goals. Though it has been a challenge; there are some schools that have managed to complete their proposed constructions in due time, for this reason, it is vital to understand the reason for the success. This project is aimed at investigating and documenting the successful strategies that have been used by project managers in the construction projects. The research was conducted with a mixed design approach which incorporates both qualitative and quantitative components of research. A sample of 21 schools from the target population of 27 schools, from Dagoretti South Sub-County, was collected. Given all the tasks were achieved. Data were collected from the head teachers and teacher in charge then a follow-up interview will be conducted with the BOM at the school management level. From the study, it was found that the factors investigated had to influence on construction project completion in Primary schools. These were; project communication, project funding and project technical expertise and project monitoring and evaluation. In fact, all the factors reviewed in this study affect project completion. The findings showed that there was a significant relationship between the four independent variables and completion of construction projects. Amongst all the independent variables, availability of funds statistically was seen to have the most significant relationship with successful completion of projects (p-value = 0.000). This study particularly showed that the primary schools in Dagoretti South Sub-County, lack adequate funding, adequate project management skills for school principals and project communication required to complete projects.

Keywords: Successful completion, Consultant, Client, Project Delay

Title: Factors Influencing Successful Completion of Construction Projects In Public Primary Schools: A Case Study of Dagoretti South Sub-County

Author: Nancy Musimbi Mberesia, Dr.Muchelule Yusuf

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research  

ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 1, April 2018 – September 2018

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Factors Influencing Successful Completion of Construction Projects In Public Primary Schools: A Case Study of Dagoretti South Sub-County by Nancy Musimbi Mberesia, Dr.Muchelule Yusuf