Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Credit Cards in Financial Institutions of Rwanda: Case Study I&M Bank (Rwanda)

KALISA Alfred, Dr. Olweny Tobias, Dr. MBERA Zenon

Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the factors influencing the adoption of credit cards in financial institutions in Rwanda because there several factors affecting electronic banking adoption among financial institutions especially in developing countries. According to Jensen (2003), most countries in Africa, except South Africa, have Internet infrastructure only in their major cities and this make it hard for the citizen to use electronic banking effectively, coupled with culture since some of this technology is still a new innovation in people’s life and is rendered useless because of culture. The researcher achieved this researcher by use of three specific objectives namely; to analyze the influence of level of income on the adoption of credit cards; to establish the effect of Credit cards Costs on adoption of credit cards and to examine the effect of credit card awareness on the adoption of credit cards. The researcher used descriptive method of study based on qualitative and quantitative approach in order to get better analysis of the study. He used both primary and secondary data collection tools with their relevant tools like questionnaire and documentary analysis in order to come up with required data. In the finding it was revealed that several factors which affect adoption and usage of credit card but analyzed factors like income level, credit card awareness and credit card cost affects adoption and usage credit cards. These factors affects usage of credit inform of purchasing of goods both within and outside the country. Using Spearman's correlation co efficiency model Table 11.9 gives the statistical evidences concerning the relationship between credit card cost and Adoption/usage of Credit Cards by Clients of I &M Bank. According to the results, sample size N is 62 and the significant level is 0.01, the results indicate that fixed pay has positive strong correlation on productivity equal to .955**and the sig is .000 which is less than 0.01. When sig. is less than significant level, researchers conclude that variables are correlated. It is therefore concluded by the researcher that there is a statistically significant correlation between factors affecting usage of credit card and Adoption/usage of Credit Cards by Clients of I&M Bank, implying that they are many factor which affect adoption and usage of Credit Cards. Keywords: Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Credit Cards in Financial Institutions Of Rwanda. Title: Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Credit Cards in Financial Institutions of Rwanda: Case Study I&M Bank (Rwanda) Author: KALISA Alfred, Dr. Olweny Tobias, Dr. MBERA Zenon International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 2, April 2016 – June 2016

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Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Credit Cards in Financial Institutions of Rwanda: Case Study I&M Bank (Rwanda) by KALISA Alfred, Dr. Olweny Tobias, Dr. MBERA Zenon