Factors Influencing the Implementation of Waste Management Projects in Mombasa County, Kenya


Abstract: The implementation of waste management project has become a problem in Mombasa County. Available information indicate that implementation of projects has been an uphill task, thus the devolution of implementation of projects by the County government. The purpose of the study was to determine factors that influence the implementation of waste management projects in Mombasa County. The results of the study will help the project implementers to learn from the results and help develop knowledge of what will help in future implementation of waste management projects.  Factors that were considered under the study included how feasibility study influences implementation waste management projects. This helped the researcher to know whether stalling, incompletion and un-utilization of waste management project is linked to lack of feasibility study and whether it ascertains project viability and sustainability. Community participation enabled the researcher determine whether there is community involvement in identifying projects that meet their needs. Environmental education was also another variable that was examined. It was to ascertain whether EE to the community is necessary in the implementation of waste management projects. Availability of finance as a factor influencing implementation of waste management projects was also considered. The study used descriptive survey by administering questionnaires which were quick, convenient and cost effective. The data was tested and retested to promote reliability and validity and by working with the relevant professionals of waste management projects and through the guidance of my supervisor. The data was collected from the respondent which was analysed and presented in tables, percentages and statistical figures of central measures of tendency.   The findings revealed that, concerning the feasibility study majority of respondents indicated that there is significance influence in implementation of waste management projects. Majority of respondents agreed that there is awareness of solid waste management policies on the community. There was a fair response on level of awareness on conservation on the environment. Majority indicated that source of financing influence implementation of waste management and more so the mode of solid waste management financing. The summary of the test statistic of the feasibility study chi square value is given as X2 (2) = 11.189, p< 0.05. For the community participation chi square value is given as X2 (2) = 14.036, p< 0.05.For the environmental education chi square value is given as X2 (2) = 9.203, p< 0.05. Availability of finance chi square value is given as X2 (2) = 16.995, p< 0.05. This indicated that there was significant relationship among the independent variables and the dependent variable. 

Keywords: waste management projects, feasibility study, community participation, environmental education and Availability of finance.

Title: Factors Influencing the Implementation of Waste Management Projects in Mombasa County, Kenya


International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals 

Vol. 5, Issue 2, October 2017 – March 2018

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Factors Influencing the Implementation of Waste Management Projects in Mombasa County, Kenya by MARY KAWIRA KITHINJI, DR. NDUNGE KYALO