Abstract: The focus of this study is to investigate family functioning on family quality of life among college students. The study used three scales, Family Functioning Scale (FFS) with 20 items, Family Quality of Life scale (FQOL), with 16 items and Perpetual Indicators of Family Life Quality with 35 items. A total of 182 undergraduate students participated in the study with an average age of 18-56 years. The sample of the study was made up of 46 (25%) males and 136 (75%) females’ participants. Data was collected in a classroom setting during class time in spring 2018 in a university college. The findings indicate participants who had low social support scored lower on the family functioning scale in the area of Intimacy and parenting style, but higher in conflict . Participants who were not satisfied with their quality of life scored lower in family interaction and parenting and emotional well- being . On the perpetual indictors of family life quality, participants who received low social support scored lower in love, status, services, information, goods, and money.
Keywords: Social Support, Family Function, Family Interaction, Parenting Style, Intimacy.
Title: Family Functioning on Family Quality of life Among College Students
Author: Abel Gitimu Waithaka, Adrianne Boudrey
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals