Abstract: Feudalism comes from foedus, and means "pact." Thus, this society would have as a basic element a pact, a pact between the lord (who has land to survive and who protects it) and the vassal (who, through the pact of vassalship, enters the economic system of his lord to survive ). The western world is divided into small tribes with a self-sustaining economy (the feudal economic structure). The political system itself feeds back and accentuates this position (the lords are rewarded, and the King works with his own resources, unable to fully control his entire kingdom, he is a primus inter pares [the “first among equals”]). The conquered lands serve as payment to those who serve the King to expand territory (that is to say, that when conquering territory, the power of the King was fragmented, reason why the construction of new kingdoms or empires was impossible). The barbarians admired the Roman Empire, and wanted to seize it or imitate it, but they were not who. The self-consumption model generates a fragmented political system that serves the interests of the economic system. Only the change of economic system will be able to make the political system evolve. [High Middle Ages, ss. V-X; Low Middle Ages, ss. X-XV. The 1st stage is the Middle Ages proper, the 2nd stage is almost the Renaissance]. The change in the Middle Ages is what has been called the Urban Revolution or the reconstruction of European urban power. Rome had great cities, but its fall had ended the supremacy of the cities. When Europe can rebuild urban power (10th-11th centuries), it results in the emergence of new cities (such as Santiago de Compostela) and the reconstruction of old ones. But this required a change in the economic structure, thanks to the emergence of crafts and the bourgeoisie, thanks to the pacification of Western Europe and the settlement and assimilation of the barbarians. It begins to settle down to grow the population and improve agriculture, so there are surpluses. When this happens, we begin to seek to improve life: better homes, music, rebirth of literature ...
Title: Feudalism
Author: Ieva Ozils
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Vol. 10, Issue 3, July 2022 - September 2022
Page No: 120-123
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 19-July-2022