Financial Innovation, Financial Inclusion, Financial Liquidity and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks: Conceptual, Theoretical and Empirical Literature Review

Gichuki Joseph Muthee, Dr. Jagongo Ambrose

Abstract: An innovation is an idea, practice or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption. Financial innovation involves design, development and implementation of innovative financial instruments and processes and formulation of creative solutions to problems in finance. Financial innovation has played a big role in the provision of financial services in the world. It has enabled faster and efficient provision of financial services. This is in line with the Kenya vision 2030 which aims at creating a vibrant and globally competitive financial sector that will create jobs and promote high levels of savings which help in financing the country’s overall investment requirements. This paper presents the background knowledge about financial innovation and financial performance of commercial banks. The objectives of the study is: to review the conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature with respect to financial innovation and financial performance of commercial banks; to identify conceptual, theoretical and empirical gaps with respect to financial innovation and financial performance of commercial banks; to come up with a conceptual framework with respect to financial innovation and financial performance of commercial banks.

Keywords: Financial Innovation, Financial Performance, Commercial Banks, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Agency Banking and ATM Banking.

Title: Financial Innovation, Financial Inclusion, Financial Liquidity and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks: Conceptual, Theoretical and Empirical Literature Review

Author: Gichuki Joseph Muthee, Dr. Jagongo Ambrose

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 1, April 2018 – September 2018

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Financial Innovation, Financial Inclusion, Financial Liquidity and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks: Conceptual, Theoretical and Empirical Literature Review by Gichuki Joseph Muthee, Dr. Jagongo Ambrose