Forage Management by Small Scale Dairy Farmers as an Economic Activity in Bungoma County-Kenya

Clare M.K. Situma, Arthur Aduvaga

Abstract: Forage management is a very important aspect in livestock management in Kenya. Animals’ feeds are too expensive and this affects milk yield among majority of low resources farmers. Inadequate feeds and low nutritional level of the available feeds limits milks production while the animal’s commercial feeds are too expensive to buy by majority of low income farmers. Despite the importance of forage to human welfare, farmers are reluctant to invest in their production using new technologies like cultivation, fertilizations, growing of new varieties and conservation as they do to other food and cash crops. The study was to evaluate forage management by small scale dairy farmers in Bungoma County. The objectives of the study were to establish relationship between forage management on milk production, and to analyze the effect of new technologies on fodder production on milk production in Bungoma County Kenya. Cost benefit Analysis model was employed and established that there w economics of agricultural technologies as a significant relationship between the variables. The study revealed that good forage management, were predictors of high milk yield, and variables such as new technologies like cultivation, fertilization, growing of new varieties and conservation were equally significant in high milk yield. Policy makers, to disseminate to farmers improved forage technologies frequently.

Keywords: Forage management, Yields, Cost Benefit Analysis, Small holder farmers, Production.

Title: Forage Management by Small Scale Dairy Farmers as an Economic Activity in Bungoma County-Kenya

Author: Clare M.K. Situma, Arthur Aduvaga

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 4, October 2017 – December 2017

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Forage Management by Small Scale Dairy Farmers as an Economic Activity in Bungoma County-Kenya by Clare M.K. Situma, Arthur Aduvaga