Formation Aspect of Cognition in Learning Malay Essay Writing Among Form Five Students through Hermeneutic Approach

Sriraj Durailimgam, Suppiah Nachiappan

Abstract: This study is an attempt to study "Establishment of aspects of cognition in learning English essay among students 5" based approach to hermeneutics. Therefore, this study was to investigate the application of cognition in learning to improve cognition when writing essays in English. Question study is to identify the formation of aspects of cognition in learning the Malay language essay which help students in writing essays. The study involved 30 students as respondents. Results of the study found that there are a variety of methods used by students to enhance their knowledge in English essay writing. Among the means used by the students are using the Internet and train yourself. 

Keywords: Cognitive Formation, Hermeneutic, Malay Essay Writing.

Title: Formation Aspect of Cognition in Learning Malay Essay Writing Among Form Five Students through Hermeneutic Approach

Author: Sriraj Durailimgam, Suppiah Nachiappan

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations

ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 3, July 2018 - September 2018

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Formation Aspect of Cognition in Learning Malay Essay Writing Among Form Five Students through Hermeneutic Approach by Sriraj Durailimgam, Suppiah Nachiappan