Abstract: Friedman–Robertson-Walker model is the standard model which has been studied thoroughly. The FRW model is successful in explaining expansion of the Universe but it has certain limitations which are also discussed here. FRW model with and without Cosmological model have been compared which leads to the conclusion that Cosmological Constant plays an important role in the study of the Universe. It is also observed that Cosmological Constant is not really constant but it is varying. Although FRW models are inadequate in the study of the Universe but its study will be a milestone for the future research.
Keywords: Cosmology, Cosmological Model, Einstein Field Equations.
Title: Friedman –Robertson –Walker Cosmological models: A study
Author: Namrata I. Jain. Shyamsunder S. Bhoga
International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)
Research Publish Journals