Abstract: Eighteen microsatellite loci were analyzed in 80 random individuals to characterize the genetic variability of two domestic goat breeds found in Sudan: Nubian goat, Nilotic goat. Heterozygosity, Allele diversity, polymorphism information, F-statistics, unintended estimates of gene flow (Nm) and Nei’s standard distances were measured. Based on the estimated mean heterozygosity, the lowest genetic diversity was confirmed in Nubian goat (HE=0.381), and the highest in Nilotic goat (HE=0.669). After corrections for multiple significance tests, deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were statistically significant overall populations and loci, reflecting the deficiencies of heterozygotes (global FIS=0.053). Based on pairwise FST and Nm between different breeds, there was no genetic differentiation between a Nubian goat and Nilotic goat, indicating that these breeds have been genetically subdivided. Likewise, individual clustering based on the proportion of shared alleles showed that Nubian goat individuals formed a single cluster separated from the other Nilotic goat breeds.
Keywords: Microsatellites, Genetic Diversity, Nubian Goat, Nilotic Goat Gene Flow.
Title: Genetic Characterization of Nubian and Nilotic Goats in Sudan by using Microsatellites Techniques
Author: Hiba Ibrahium, Nabiela M Elbagir
International Journal of Life Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)
Research Publish Journals