Abstract: In this paper, there are three articles that concentrate on the analysis of genres should be reviewed. Particularly so, these three articles shed light on the contribution of the corpus linguistics methodology to the analysis and application of academic genres. For easy reference, I have to label Article 1 on From Text To Corpus- A Genre-based Approach to Academic Literacy Instruction by C Tribble and U. Wingate, Article 2 on Using Corpus-based research and Online Academic Corpora to Inform Writing of the Discussion Section of a Thesis, by L. Flower dew and Article 3 on An Integration of Corpus-Based and Genre-Based Approaches to Text Analysis in EAP/ESP: Countering Criticisms Against Corpus-Based Methodologies, also by L. Flower dew.
Keywords: linguistics methodology, Genre-Based Approaches to Text Analysis in EAP/ESP.
Title: Genre Analysis and the Language-Learning Classroom
Author: Bilal Huri Yaseen
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals