Abstract: The primary aim in this specific review was to discuss the relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus and its prevention, to analyze the scientific knowledge about HPV types and their outcomes. As well below we discussed about primary prevention and available HPV vaccines.
Comprehensive review of literature was performed among biomedical electronic databases; PubMed, and Embase, for relevant studies published up to September, 2017. Provided that HPV is the cause for almost all cervical cancers. Since it does not always show symptoms, it is important to check on existence of HPV virus. As the main transmission of this virus is through sexual interaction, it’s possible to prevent through vaccination especially in teenage. It is expected that HPV vaccines will eventually decrease cervical and also other genital system premalignant and malignant illness. Good-organized programs of regular gynecological screening and treatment of precancerous lesions have been very effective in preventing squamous cervical cancer.
Keywords: Human papillomavirus, cervical cancer, tumour, HPV, virus, gynaecology, vaccination.
Title: Human Papillomavirus and Its Related Cause of Cervical Cancer, Review
Author: Amani Hamed H Suqi
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals