Abstract: Health care facility should be accessible by all at all times. But some of the people that should access these facilities are far removed from these facilities. More so, in the few available facilities, qualified medical personnel are always key issues that need urgent redress. In view of the foregoing, it would be of great necessity to provide an intelligent decision support system that will provide a complementary medical service, such as medical disease diagnosis in places where accessibility is a problem as well as health care facilities where qualified experts are lacking, hence this research will focus on Intelligent Decision Support System for Malaria and Typhoid Fever Diagnosis. The software has been designed to be interactive with audio capability eliciting from the user if they have symptoms of the diseases. The user response helps the Intelligent Decision Support System to determine the level at which the disease is present. The user is further advised on what next to do. This software is implemented in visual basic programming environment.
Keywords: Intelligent Decision Support System, Malaria and Typhoid Fever Diagnosis, Subject Matter Experts (SME).
Title: Hybrid Intelligent Decision Support System for Malaria and Typhoid Fever Diagnosis
Author: Chukwuedozie N Ezema, Albert C Agulanna, Okechi Onuoha, Helen U Nonyelu, Nwannedimma M Anagbogu
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews
ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Research Publish Journals