Impact of Culture on Human Development: An Analysis of Select Kenyan Communities

Bwire Sabina, Gathoni Kimani, Idris Mohamud , Kihumba Lewis, Wanjiru Hinga

Abstract: This article engages in the development debate and whether culture inhibits development or whether culture is in fact a driver of development. It focuses on specific Kenyan communities and what they consider as a way of life and heritage, how these heritages have inhibited the quest to development. Cultural practices are often seen to be legitimizing context of tradition; however, they may not be sustainable developmental practices in the modern world. Issues of climate change, resource conflict and the increase of crime have rendered this rudimentary and backward. To explore the development agendas of these communities, the paper specifically looks at the three human development indicators and how structures of the traditional societies clash with the modern structures. The conclusion is that instead of development actors discouraging such a way of life, they can actually incorporate policies that would take advantage of these traditional structures as it brings a sense of ownership.

Keywords: Culture, Development, Kenya.

Title: Impact of Culture on Human Development: An Analysis of Select Kenyan Communities

Author: Bwire Sabina, Gathoni Kimani, Idris Mohamud , Kihumba Lewis,  Wanjiru Hinga

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 2, April 2017 – June 2017

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Impact of Culture on Human Development: An Analysis of Select Kenyan Communities by Bwire Sabina, Gathoni Kimani, Idris Mohamud , Kihumba Lewis, Wanjiru Hinga