Abstract: A distributed generation is a kind of a generation unit which can be installed at the end user location or even at the vicinity of large scale production plants to fulfill the needs of the consumer or the power plant of a particular location. A distributed generation when connected to the distribution network give rise to a number of disturbances in the power systems such as disturbances in the voltage profile of the network, disturbances in the active power, reactive power, voltage sag and swell, flicker etc due to these effects the network gets disturbed or unbalanced with the introduction of the DG onto the network grid. This paper suggests the various methods required to compensate these disturbances and thereby making the system under consideration more reliable and efficient. The methods discussed here are used for the compensation of disturbances in the voltage profile, active power and reactive power.
Keywords: Distributed generation, network grid, compensation, energy, renewable sources, non-renewable sources etc.
Title: Impact of Distributed Generation in Electrical Power System
Author: Manoj Kumar Nigam, Dr. V.K.Sethi, Saumya Singh
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals