Abstract: Power system consists of three main aspects: generation, transmission and distribution, so a proper and efficient analysis of each of these aspects is required. Distributed Generation (DG) refers to any electric power production technology that is integrated within distribution systems, close to the point of use. DG in a distribution network has several advantages such as reduction in line losses, emission pollutants and overall costs due to improved efficiency, and improvement of voltage profile, power quality, system reliability and security. In order to insert a DG many researchers have applied different methods and algorithms unit in a distribution network, first of all we have to find a suitable location. DG can be inserted on a sensitive load location which shows maximum losses on varying its load. Lot of work has been done over the investigation of sensitive load location. The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of insertion of single DG at first load sensitive location using line losses. The analysis of results show that there is increase in the line losses at some individual bus level but overall both active and reactive losses of a bus system decreases.
Keywords: Distributed Generation, Sensitive load.
Title: Impact of Distributed Generation on Line Losses for Sensitive Load Location
Author: Malika Raina, Navdeep Batish, Jang Bahadur Singh
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals