Abstract: Food is pre-requisite for food security and it provides economic stability and self-reliance to a nation. Macro and micronutrient malnutrition is more prevalent in developing and underdeveloped countries because of food insecurity. Food security is a major challenge that is encountered by many under developed, developing and developed nations of the world today. Several advanced preservation techniques have been developed for extending the shelf life of food commodities. Food irradiation is one such modern processing technology describing as a versatile, efficacious and safe process. In this direction the present study is an attempt to study the impact of radiation processing of formulated soya mix. The low dose levels 0.25 kGy and 0.75 kGy was used for radiation processing to retain the nutrient quality of the food and to maintain the safety and stability. The prepared and processed health mix was supplemented to weanling rats to compare the nutritional quality of irradiated and non-irradiated soya mix through animal experimentation. The ten days old Wister albino rats were selected for experiment, the feeding was given for 5 weeks. After the termination the liver weight, bone weight and length, bone calcification, liver and faecal nitrogen and hemoglobin % was estimated in albino rats. The liver nitrogen, faecal nitrogen and haemoglobin percentage was high in irradiated samples than the non- irradiated samples. The difference between the irradiated and non-irradiated samples was found to be significant @ 1% level.
Keywords: Food security, Soya mix, Food processing, Radiation processing.
Title: Impact of Irradiated Soya mix on Growth and Development of Weanling Albino rats
Author: Dr.B.Kalyani, Dr. Manjula K
International Journal of Life Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)
Research Publish Journals