Abstract: Thiruva Ethirva a political satire programme which focused on the political issues in India. Thiruva Ethirva mainly interprets a political issue in a different perspective. It has the power to make the audience to in-depth political analysis and understand a particular political issue in detail. The issues are interspersed with dialogue and scenes from movies. Thiruva Ethirva helps the viewers to understand the political controversies in very simple and most effective manner. A popular trend in political satire which observed was that it deals with truth. It avoids biased situations. The method adopted for the study was textual analysis of political satire. The main objectives of the study are to identify how political satire create impact in political learning and information seeking in the audience. The analysis is conducted by means of an impact of political satire in information seeking and political learning to the audience.
Keywords: Thiruva Ethirva, Political Satire, New Testament, Aristophanes.
Title: Impact of Thiruva Ethirva as a Political Satire in Information Seeking and Political Learning
Author: Aswathi Venugopal .V
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals