Influence of Integrated Financial Management Information Systems on Service Delivery: A Case of Bomet County


Abstract: The need for reform of the public finance management system in Kenya was emphasized in the Economic Recovery Strategy for the Wealth and Employment Creation, the ERS for 2003-2007, as a crucial element in order to achieve sustainable economic growth, alleviate poverty, and improve public sector performance. Consequently, the Government of Kenya implemented the Integrated Financial Management and Information System (IFMIS) as part of public finance management system reform. The study found out that staffs understand the different modules under IFMIS, the staffs are computer literate, IFMIS system has minimal down time, IFMIS system allows staff to share financial information, the agency has adequate hardware to support IFMIS, IFMIS hardware use latest state of technology, the use of IFMIS has improved the timeliness in submitting financial reports and the use of IFMIS has brought about easy record storage. The study concludes that 58% changes in dependent variable is contributed by the independent variables of the study (IFMIS system reliability, Staff Competency, ICT Infrastructure) while 42% is explained by other factors, ICT infrastructure has a largest effect, then staff competency and lastly IFMIS system reliability. The study recommends that all the accountants and other officers in Bomet county should ensure that their staffs understand the different modules under the departments in the county should be aware that IFMIS system has minimal down time, they should ensure that there is adequate hardware to support IFMIS, ICT departments in these departments should ensure that their IFMIS hardware use latest state of technology, the heads of the departments in the county government should realize that the use of IFMIS improves the timeliness in submitting financial reports, there is also need for county government of Bomet to ensure that records are easily stored and retrieved from the data bases using IFMIS and the county government ought to enhance financial efficiency in their respective departments by the use of IFMIS.

Keywords: Influence, Financial Management Information, Service Delivery.

Title: Influence of Integrated Financial Management Information Systems on Service Delivery: A Case of Bomet County


International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 2, October 2017 – March 2018

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Influence of Integrated Financial Management Information Systems on Service Delivery: A Case of Bomet County by HILLARY KIPRONO BII, DANIEL KAMAU, DR KEPHA OMBUI