Influence of Project Contracting On the Performance of ICT Projects in Kenya: A Case Study of Aviat Networks, Nairobi County


Abstract: The general objective of this study was to investigate the influence of project contracting on the performance of ICT projects in Kenya. A case of study Aviat Networks, Nairobi County. This study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the influence of procurement procedures, client-contractor relationship, stakeholder support and service legal agreement on the performance of ICT projects in Kenya. This study was carried out through a descriptive research design. The target population comprised of 63 respondents comprising of 5 project managers and 58 project team members in Aviat Networks. Simple random sampling was used to select the project managers and the project team members. The sample size was 50 respondents comprising of 4 project managers and 46 project team members. The research instruments employed in the study were questionnaires for the project team members and interviews for the project managers. The study revealed that procurement procedures, client-contractor relationship, stakeholder support and service legal agreement had a positive and significant effect on performance of ICT projects in Kenya. The study concluded that the organization carry out comprehensive feasibility study and strategic assessments before contracting. Statement of needs is done before organization looks for the contractors and the need identification can positively and significantly influence performance of ICT projects in Kenya. stakeholder support is crucial in the performance of ICT projects as it highlights the effective management  of  relationships  between  a  project  and  its  key  stakeholders  in  order  to  ensure project  success. There is a clear communication established between the client and the contractor so as to improve the performance of ICT projects. A written, detailed description of the scope of the project, regular status updates etc is always done so as to ensure that there is an organized client-contractor interactions. The organization has structures and reporting lines that are well defined and implemented for contracting. The contracting agreements, regulatory controls, legal documents, standards and procedures are clearly specified and SLAs are not ambiguous and incoherent for contracting. This has positively and significantly influenced performance of ICT projects in Kenya. The study recommended that the organization should carry out need identification before contracting their roads project as it affects performance of the organization. This emanates from the fact that quite a number of the respondents disagreed that combination of pooled knowledge and technical capacities that allow an organization to be competitive in the marketplace is considered before contracting. There is need to understand stakeholder influence is a key ingredient of successful completion of ICT projects in Kenya. The organizations project managers should try to acknowledge concerns of all stakeholders and in a dialogue seek to reconcile conflicting interests, culminating in the effective performance of ICT projects. There should be a mutual understanding between the client and the contractor in the contracting relationship so as to handle both opportunities and threats. The organizations should have structures and reporting lines that are well defined and implemented for contracting. The contracting agreements, regulatory controls, legal documents, standards and procedures should be clearly specified not ambiguous and incoherent for contracting. This study suggested that further studies should be carried out on how project management practices influence performance of ICT projects in Kenya.

Keywords: Aviat Networks, ICT Projects, organized client-contractor interactions.

Title: Influence of Project Contracting On the Performance of ICT Projects in Kenya:  A Case Study of Aviat Networks, Nairobi County


International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 1, April 2017 – September 2017

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Influence of Project Contracting On the Performance of ICT Projects in Kenya: A Case Study of Aviat Networks, Nairobi County by BEATRICE SIGILAI, PROF MIKE IRAVO