Abstract: The study sought to determine the influence of intellectual stimulation on the performance of middle level healthcare workers in Lira District Local Government. The objectives of the study were; to determine the level of intellectual stimulation among middle-line health workers in lira district; to determine the level of performance among middle level healthcare workers in Lira District; and to determine the effect of intellectual stimulation on the performance of middle level employee in Lira District Local Government. The study adapted a cross-sectional survey design while incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. The study used stratified, purposive sampling and simple random sampling procedures to select health facilities, supervisors and middle level healthcare workers respectively. A total of 164 respondents were selected. Data was analyzed using STATA 15. The findings suggest that intellectual stimulation ( p<0.01), and individualized consideration (
p<0.05) have positive and significant influence on employee performance while intellectual stimulation has a negative insignificant effect on employee performance. The study recommends that management of health facilities should focus their efforts of management strategy on attracting, developing and retaining transformational leaders which could impact the organization in a more positive regard as employee become and remain engaged.
Keywords: Intellectual stimulation, employee performance, healthcare workers, Lira district.
Title: Intellectual stimulation and employee performance: Reflections on mid-level healthcare workers in Lira district, Uganda
Author: Emmanuel Komakech, Gilbert Obici, David Mwesigwa
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals