Abstract: This project presents Various Thermal analysis in solar air dryer with Force convection and thermal storage to be done & the various parameters are considered such as Time, solar radiation, ambient temperature, Drying chamber temperatures, Moisture content, drying rates, Air mass flow, Collector efficiency, Heat storage rate, Heat release rate for thermal storage. The system consists of a flat plate solar air heater with heat storage unit, a drying chamber and a centrifugal blower. Drying experiments have been performed at an uniform air flow rate. Drying of agricultural crop or wood in a forced convection in solar drier reduces the moisture content.
Keywords: Investigation on Solar, ambient temperature, moisture content.
Title: Investigation on Solar Air Dryer by Using Forced Convection with Thermal Storage System
Author: RM.Sivakumar
International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Technology
ISSN 2348-7593 (Online)
Research Publish Journals