Abstract: This paper is a review of the state of nature conservation in Nigeria, and the measures adopted for the protection of the wildlife. The major problems bush burning of wildlife habitat, overgrazing of local animals, environment predation, over hunting, poaching and. lack of tourism and accommodation. Steps taken so far to protect wildlife include declaration of priority sector at the national level for which funds should be earmarked, establishment of single agency to deal with all matters covered by the Convention. Certain species have been designated to be totally protected, and others may be hunted or captured only under special authorization, encouraging people to take up afforestation and conservation in new areas. It is suggested that more national parks and conservation areas and existing ones should be maintained. Government should give more room for private sector to establish private conserving centers for sustainability of wildlife. There should be proper planning like the entrenchment of good game management which will sustain the present yields or maintain the intrinsic quality of forests and its resources. The problems and challenges facing the sustainable of wildlife conservation and management in Nigeria could be eradicated if local, state and national bodies join hands together to work as a single body and set up Forest Commission to look into restructuring, reform and strengthening the entire forest set up and affiliated institutions in the country. Promotion and encouragement of research related to conservation, management and the rational use of natural resources particular to ecological and sociological factors should be taken to practice to optimize wildlife activities in Nigeria.
Keywords: Natural Resources, Alien Species, Public Fund and Conflict.
Author: Adewumi A.A, Idowu E.O, Oyeniran B.H.
International Journal of Life Sciences Research
ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)
Research Publish Journals