Abstract: The main aim of the study is to determine the job satisfaction of employees in nakem hospital. It includes determining various parameters that influence job satisfaction and also the present level of satisfaction of the employees. To understand employees’ perceptions about the job and come up with recommendations for the hospital to improve the level of job satisfaction.
The method used to perform the study was a Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of various sections like personal details, working conditions related questions, salary and promotion opportunities related questions, work relationships and skills and abilities related questions and questions on role performed. The questionnaire was circulated to the employees at nankem and also the respondents belonged to various designations.
The findings were that employees at nankem hospital valued work relationships and healthy working conditions the most when it came to job satisfaction. Closely followed were salary, other benefits and opportunities to learn new skills. Regarding working conditions the employees were satisfied with the number of hours spent at office, current location, sick and paid leaves by the hospital. Regarding salary and opportunities for promotion the employees were satisfied, however on the parameters of job security, other benefits and recognition for work the employees was also satisfied.
The results observed suggested that the management should look towards building a long term relationship with the employees of the hospital by rewarding the deserving employees and providing them with the compensation that is as per hospital standards.
“On one side of the equation, there are the elements of work that, if not done right, will cause us to be dissatisfied. These are called hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are things like status, compensation, job security, work conditions, company policies, and supervisory practices.”
― Clayton M. Christensen, How Will You Measure Your Life?
A study on “JOB SATISFACTION” of employees was been carried out in Nankem Hospital, Coonoor, Tamil Nadu.
Objective. The main objective of the research was to find out the satisfaction level of employees in the organization. Employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any hospital/ organization. The important factors that was considered in the employee’s job satisfaction are pay & benefits, promotions, working condition and relationship with the supervisors etc.
Methods. The study was being done by following under mentioned methods.
Unit of analysis/ Population. Are selected an organizational employee like doctors and consultant, nursing staffs and other paramedical staffs, admin, and others. The primary data was collected by means of questionnaire and also through observation, interview and discussion with the management.
Sampling. There are around five hundred employees working in the hospital and it was decided to take 301 respondents under consideration as a sample of the research study.
Time Frame. This Research was completed in the 3-4 months of time. This will include literature review, collection of data, data analysis and submission of full research work to the university.
Expected outcome. Utmost care was taken from the beginning of the preparation of the questionnaire till the analysis, findings and suggestions. The analysis directs over to the conclusion that bulk of the employees are satisfied. Dissatisfaction with reference to some of the factors will be reported, if found dissatisfaction among employees, that will affect the work performance and productivity of the hospital.
Keywords: nakem hospital, employees working, job security.
Author: Dr. Sachi Yadav
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations
ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Research Publish Journals