Abstract: A review on the research work progress achieved and a realistic research plan for the remainder of the programme is outlined in this report. A brief literature of underwater LIBS and LIBS in general illustrates a recap on the first year transfer report along with added background knowledge of the subject. The progress summary emphasises on the results from experiments conducted, courses attended, presentations, journal/conference papers in preparation related to the research work. The research plan for the remainder of the programme will primarily focus on underwater experiments to meet the latter part of the research objectives. Preliminary results obtained will contribute to writing a technical research paper for publication.
Keywords: LIBS,
Title: Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Identification & Quantification of Elemental Composition of Steel Structures: A Study of Early Stage Rust Behaviour in Steel
Author: Osayuwamen Ogboghodo, Dr. Thangavel Thevar
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations
Research Publish Journals