Leptospirosis, Focus on Related Acute Kidney Injury among Albania Patients
Rista Elvana, Pilaca Arben, Akshija Ilir, Harxhi Arian, Harja Endri, Kraja Dhimiter, Puca Edmond, Dyrmishi Blertina, Cadri Vilma, Duraku Ahmet, Thereska Nestor
Abstract: The aim: Describing hospital epidemiological finding, clinical, laboratory results and outcome focus on renal complications of the patients diagnosed with leptospirosis..
Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by spirochete genus Leptospira. Its clinical symptoms range from mild, self-limited disease to life threatening complications such as acute kidney injury, liver failure and bleeding.
Materials and methods: 119 consecutive patients enrolled in the study from 2010-2015. They were admitted at Infection Diseases Department and Nephrology Department of U.H.C: Mother Teresa” in Tirana. Data are collected retrospectively from patient charts. Statistical analysis was performed using Medcalc 14.8.1 and IBM SPSS 20. Leptospirosis infection was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Results: There was a total of 119 patients diagnosed with the condition from 2010-2015. 8% were female, 92% male. Age ranged from 15 to 78, mean 48.2 ± 15.4. 51 % developed AKIN III, 48 % F stage according to RIFLE. Mean length of stay was 14.1±7.4 days. Mortality was 8.4 % (10 patients) in our cohort. The number of cases peaked in June through the study years.
Conclusion: Leptospirosis is a zoonosis with a clinical picture ranging from mild to severe. Severe cases are associated with high mortality in the Albanian population. AKI is a frequent complication of leptospirosis in our study cohort. Multidisciplinary approach and timely intervention may help prevent complications and reduce mortality.
Keywords: leptospirosis, AKI, Albania.
Title: Leptospirosis, Focus on Related Acute Kidney Injury among Albania Patients
Author: Rista Elvana, Pilaca Arben, Akshija Ilir, Harxhi Arian, Harja Endri, Kraja Dhimiter, Puca Edmond, Dyrmishi Blertina, Cadri Vilma, Duraku Ahmet, Thereska Nestor
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals
Leptospirosis, Focus on Related Acute Kidney Injury among Albania Patients by
Rista Elvana, Pilaca Arben, Akshija Ilir, Harxhi Arian, Harja Endri, Kraja Dhimiter, Puca Edmond, Dyrmishi Blertina, Cadri Vilma, Duraku Ahmet, Thereska Nestor